The Political Budget……..

So, would being in the dentist chair have been better than watching the budget? On the basis that most of what was announced had already been leaked and at times it was a bit like a playground, the answer may have been yes. Also, if we have a change in government,...

Autumn Statement ‘Highlights’

On Wednesday 22 November 2023 the chancellor Jeremy Hunt stood up and delivered his Autumn Statement. Here are some of the main “highlights”. There were many changes made to National Insurance contributions (NICs) which will affect many people and included: –...

IHT and trusts not untouched in the budget

Apart from the pension changes, which Ian Dowdell explains in his blog of 20 March 2023, the budget itself was pretty uneventful. However, there were some announcements affecting inheritance tax (IHT) and trusts which were not specifically mentioned. I assume this is...