Government back tracks on “no tax increases”

Maybe it was a dream, or I was not listening properly…..but in the March 2021 budget did the chancellor say that they would not increase tax over the course of the current parliament……….!!! Is an increase in the rate of tax on dividends not an increase in tax? The...

HMRC corrects tax returns for SEISS grants claimed

Have you claimed any Self-employment income support (SEISS) grants for 2020/2021?  Are you sure that the figures you have entered, or intend to enter, on your tax return are correct and have been entered in the correct box on the return? HMRC have powers available to...

Changes on the horizon for inheritance tax forms

As a tax advisor, one of my great frustrations is the number of occasions when it appears that forms are completed just for the sake of it. There are several areas of tax where this seems to happen and one such area is inheritance tax. Therefore, I was pleased to see...

Business Interruption Insurance

Has your business been disrupted by COVID 19? Have you checked your insurance policy to see whether you are covered for losses where your business is severely disrupted or, in more serious situations, been forced to close? Unfortunately, some policies will be worded...