Low-risk ways to start a business

The 236th edition of our Active Practice Updates – Low-risk ways to start a business is available to download here Areas covered in this edition include: Test the water Collaborate Communicate Go online Go light Go mobile Plan ahead Don’t forget your own time If you...
The Village Pub, Barnsley

The Village Pub, Barnsley

Another day, another working lunch and next on Ian’s to do list is The Village Pub in Barnsley, just over 4 miles from our Cirencester office and of course, he has been here before! Heading into the village of Barnsley Ian (with white knuckles) suggested I slow my...

The case of the missing Budget

The case of the missing Budget is available to download here which combines what we do know for sure together with informed analysis to suggest how the next six months might pan out. If you would like a paper based version of this sent to you then please contact us to...