There’s light at the end of the tunnel

There’s light at the end of the tunnel

With all the summer holidays done and it’s finally starting to feel like autumn, my salad box lunches are out of the window! When Ian suggested a working lunch and that we head out further afield who was I to say no, especially at the promise of a glorious country...
Feeling Patriotic

Feeling Patriotic

With the Royal Wedding fast approaching it seemed appropriate to dine somewhere with a regency feel….any excuse for a nice lunch out really! So Ian and I, with a limited amount of time for lunch, crossed the road from the office and a couple of steps later were in the...
Anchors away

Anchors away

Time for another working lunch in Cirencester and as the sun hadn’t quite made an appearance it was decided a brisk short walk was the best option in our quest for food.  We headed out of our office on Dyer Street and two minutes later were inside the Malt and Anchor...
Marlborough bound

Marlborough bound

After a morning’s visit to one of our Marlborough based clients it would have been terribly amiss of us not to stop in the High Street of this beautiful market town and visit Rick Steins which opened here just over a year ago. This stylish restaurant’s tastful décor...
Salad days

Salad days

‘How hungry are you’ was Ian’s question as we stepped outside our office onto Dyer Street. What a question! There is still a difference between hunger and what I think I should eat at the moment, so I replied ‘oh not very, anything with lettuce leaves will be perfect’...