Dog friendly dining

Dog friendly dining

Fed up with looking at lettuce leaves I was coaxed into choosing a ‘push the boat out’ lunch on my most recent trip to Cirencester. Ian and I headed to Toro Lounge on this bright but cold lunchtime and I was pleasantly surprised to discover even more shops and...
Kings for a day,(well for lunch!)

Kings for a day,(well for lunch!)

Off to Wood Street again for another lunch, there are still lots of venues yet to visit and today we went to ’20 at The Kings’ formerly known as The Kings Arms.  This magnificent building opened in the 1830s and has been a focal point of Old Town ever since. The bar...
Let’s try Somewhere Else!

Let’s try Somewhere Else!

Looking at the pictures above is is instantly obvious the January health kick is in full force?  Well, for one of us anyway, Ian had already had a breakfast meeting in the pub just across the road from our Cirencester office.  Still, knowing that I am trying to be...
Headway Swindon & District

Headway Swindon & District

As Morris Owen’s chosen charity for the new year is Headway Swindon & District, we thought it would be beneficial to visit their offices and learn more about this organisation who have been supporting adults with traumatic and acquired brain injury, along with...
A little bit of Italy?

A little bit of Italy?

I have a new ‘working lunch companion’ joining me today, well when I say new it’s the first time I have been for lunch with him since he became a partner and we are heading off to eat somewhere we have eaten together before albiet in a big group of friends, on an...