Pre-Year End Tax Planning 2021

As the end of this very strange tax year is fast approaching, now is the time to be thinking about what action can be taken to assist in reducing tax liabilities for the year ended 5 April 2021. Ensuring that all the appropriate reliefs and allowances have been used...

Do you have offshore income or assets?

Offshore tax to most would normally mean tax havens and tax exiles.  As a result you may be thinking that it doesn’t affect you.  However income from a foreign pension, interest from an Isle of Man or Channel Islands bank account or renting out a foreign property...

Cryptocurrencies and Bitcoins

I think by now most people will have heard either of these terms, but not always in a positive way. A Bitcoin is probably the most recognisable of cryptocurrencies, but what are they?  For starters, they are not something physical that you can put in your own wallet...