Business Start-up Workshop

This workshop will focus on starting a new business, concentrating on aspects of accounts, tax and finance. We have been advising new start-up businesses for years, helping them from day one to get it right first time. To see how we can help support and grow your...

Budget changes not all they seem?

“One of the biggest surprises in the Chancellor’s Budget on Wednesday was the abolition of the Pension Lifetime Allowance (LTA). Coupled with the fact that he also increased the maximum amount you can pay into pensions each year, with tax relief, to £60,000 it all...

Anyone thinking of retiring early?

Recent research by Canada Life suggested that 43% of those aged between 55 and 66 (article on our news feed) have taken early retirement since the beginning of the pandemic and this got me thinking about our experiences here at Morris Owen. A considerable portion of...

Chancellor to attack pensions, according to rumours!

“It’s that time of year again when the rumour mills keep churning out their thoughts of what is likely to happen in the budget. Of course they are always highly accurate (?), but at least this year they get to play the Covid top trump card! Pensions seem to be a very...

Pandemic highlights wider financial risks

“I read a fascinating article today based on research by Scottish Widows, which looked at the impact the Covid-19 pandemic has had on the NHS, as well as what its future impact might be. It suggests that a high proportion of people have deferred booking medical...