Dual Qualification for Partner

Dual Qualification for Partner

Morris Owen are pleased to announce that Jenna Wheeler, who became a partner in the firm on the 1 January 2021, successfully passed her exams to become a Chartered Tax Adviser. Jenna already qualified as a Chartered Accountant a number of years ago. Senior Partner...

Making Tax Digital – déjà vu!?

Earlier in the summer HMRC released an update outlining the new roadmap for Making Tax Digital. Currently, only VAT registered entities trading above the VAT registration threshold have had to worry about MTD and for most part, that new regime has now bedded into most...

Lockdown 2.0 – Updated business support

This information has been updated, please see our latest blog here. Well, what a weekend that was. Lockdown 2.0 is a few days away and the range of support available to businesses is being updated. While the past few months has taught us that the guidance can and...

Residential property “nudge” letters

Further to my colleagues blog of 13 October 2020 advising that Airbnb are sharing details of people that have been letting out their property, it has also been reported that HMRC will be sending out over 14,000 “nudge” letters in the coming months to people who they...