Spring Budget Report 2020

Our Spring Budget report for 2020 is available to download here. If you would like a paper based version of this sent to you then please contact us to let us know and of course if any of the issues in this report raise any concerns with you then we’d like to hear from...

Employer issues with automatic enrolment

The 242nd edition of our Active Practice Updates – Employer issues with automatic enrolment is available to  download here Areas covered in this edition include: Employer responsibilities Operating a workplace pension Temp staff & irregular earnings Auto-enrolling...

Tracing lost pension plans

The 241st edition of our Active Practice Updates – Tracing lost pension plans is available to download here Areas covered in this edition include: Government support Keeping track of pensions The role of technology Beware the scams Pension planning points If you would...

Year end tax guide 2019/20

Our year end tax guide for 2019/20 is available to download here If you would like a paper based version of this sent to you then please contact us to let us know and of course if any of the issues in this report raise any concerns with you then we’d like to hear from...

Tax implications of providing company cars

The 240th edition of our Active Practice Updates – Tax implications of providing company cars is available to download here Areas covered in this edition include: Calculating tax on company cars List prices Benefit-in-kind percentage Reporting obligations Future...