Independent Financial Advice no longer provided

Independent financial advisers regulation & FCA

Morris Owen ceased providing independent advice as a firm of independent financial advisers with effect from the 28 June 2024, previously being regulated under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 by the Financial Conduct Authority in its conduct of Investment Business. Our FCA number concerning Investment Advice was 104961.

How we handle complaints

We take great pride in the way that we have dealt with our clients for financial services purposes but accept that sometimes things do not go as well as we would hope. In the event that you should wish to register a formal complaint, please contact Rob Beale in writing at Morris Owen, 43-45 Devizes Road, Swindon SN1 4BG or by telephone on 01793 603900, explaining what the problem is.

On receipt, your complaint will be acknowledged, and you will receive a copy of our complaints handling procedure.  The matter will then be investigated in line with that procedure and our findings will be reported to you in writing.

If you cannot reach agreement with us, you may be entitled to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service, subject to certain time limits, unless the complainant is a business with turnover over €2 million or at least ten employees, or a charity/trust with income/assets over £1 million.

The Financial Ombudsman Service is an independent service in the UK for settling disputes between businesses providing financial services & their clients. Their web site address is:

Full details of how they can be contacted are shown on their web site, whilst you will also be provided with full details when we send to you our written conclusions from our investigation of your complaint.


If you make a valid claim against the firm in respect of investments that we have arranged you may be entitled to redress. In the unlikely event that we cannot meet any liabilities to you, you may be able to claim compensation under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. English law will govern the provisions of the services covered by these statements and the English courts will have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute.

Get in touch

We’re always happy to hear from new and existing clients